
Deficiency of Calcium in Cannabis




When we think of Calcium, we often think of its role in producing strong bones. However, other living things need calcium just as we do, and cannabis plants are no exception. Calcium is just one of the nutrients cannabis crops require to grow to their full potential. Without it, the damage could lead to expensive and sometimes irreparable costs. 







Photo by Elle Cartier on Unsplash



What is Calcium?


Calcium is a naturally occurring nutrient needed by plants and animals to survive. Naturally occurring in soil, it will need to be incorporated into a plant’s feeding regime when soil alternatives are used. Along with nutrients like magnesium and potassium, calcium assists in the overall health of the cannabis plant.



How Does Calcium Impact Cannabis?


Like any other plant, cannabis crops require calcium. This nutrient is important to a plant’s ability to keep viruses and viroids at bay. According to Frontiers in Plant Science, calcium “serves as a constituent of cell walls and membranes and thus contributes to the structure of cells and the upholding of physical barriers against pathogens.”


Think of how calcium’s role in cannabis health is similar to how Vitamin C impacts our health. Vitamin C helps boost our immune system, keeping the flu, common colds, and other illnesses at bay. Calcium works in a similar way for cannabis plants. 


The Cannabis Business Times writes, “Calcium plays a significant role in the organization of genetic material during the process of cell division. An appropriate concentration of calcium in the cytosol triggers the chromosomes to be allocated between the two new cells that form during the cell-division process.”



What happens when a Cannabis Plant has a Calcium Deficiency?


Image by M. from Pixabay



When a cannabis plant experiences a calcium deficiency, several things can happen. The first thing to happen is the weakening of the cell walls and membranes. A healthy plant that has the nutrients it requires can fight off viruses, molds, and viroids. However, a plant with a calcium deficiency will be susceptible to pathogens, and in turn, expose the plants surrounding it.


Some of the pathogens cannabis plants can be exposed to when suffering from a calcium deficiency include (but are not limited to);

  • Lettuce Chlorosis Virus
  • Hop Latent Viroid
  • Tobacco Streak Virus
  • Tomato Mosaic Virus
  • Botrytis


While these are just a handful of the pathogens that can attack a plant with a calcium deficiency, there are actually dozens of pathogens that plants can be susceptible to. However, the quicker a calcium deficiency can be spotted, the more quickly it can be remedied before your cannabis crop falls prey to one of these pathogens. 



How to Spot a Calcium Deficiency


When a cannabis plant has a calcium deficiency, it displays several signs. One of the most common signs will be the development of irregular brownish-yellow spots (similar to burning) will appear on the leaves. This is accompanied by the curling of leaves on the plant’s lower branches.


Beneath the soil, the roots can also display signs of calcium deficiency. The tips of the roots may die back, adding to the problems we see above the soil. Since this symptom is out of sight, it can often be overlooked unless spotted during an activity like transplanting.


While these signs can happen to a cannabis plant in any stage of its lifecycle, additional signs occur in the flowering stage. Growers may see stunted plant growth during the late veg and flowering phases. Flower development will also be slow, causing a subpar yield during harvest. 



Where to Learn More


Image by Markus Spiske from Pixabay



Ready to learn more about all things cannabis? Verne Bio’s Knowledge Center is a must-have tool for anyone wanting to do just that! Whether you are new to cannabis cultivation or an experienced grower looking to continue expanding your knowledge about this incredible plant, our Knowledge Center has something for everyone.


When browsing through our Knowledge Center, readers can find topics like;


  • Hop Latent Viroid
  • Tobacco Streak Virus, Alfalfa Mosaic Virus, and more
  • Information about molds like Botrytis
  • Cultivation tips and tricks
  • How Viroids differ from Viruses, and what they can do


All of these topics and more can be found in the Verne Bio Knowledge Center. Readers can also sign up for our newsletter to get the latest article sent right to their inbox. However you look at it, having Verne Bio in your corner is an investment in your education of everything the cannabis plant has to offer. 







Works Cited


Bloem, Elke, et al. “Calcium—Nutrient and Messenger.” Frontiers, 25 April 2019, Accessed 17 October 2023.


June, Mark. “Got Calcium? – Cannabis Business Times.” Cannabis Business Times –, 2017, Accessed 22 October 2023.


Loud Clouds. “Loud Clouds.” Loud Clouds, 9 March 2019, Accessed 17 October 2023.









Yvonn Llenares

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